Learning to Serve

Tennis serves is the most difficult thing  to learn. you can learn back hand , forehand topspin shots with lots of drills with the coach, but when serving you are all alone and your brain, your muscle memory and your physical action should be in harmony to get the right serve. There are various types of serves
The most common ones are topspin, flat serves, slice serves and kick serves.  In any Tennis match Serves are the best weapon a player can have to win the game. If you have a perfect serve you have won half the battle, now a days players can serve with a speed of 190 to 200 miles per hour. You can  get over you opponent with sheer speed and force but the slice and top spin serves are more effective and accurate.

There is no short cut to perfect your serve, only one way to achieve 90-95 percent accuracy in your serve is by Practice , practice, practice ,practice and practice...



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